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Get to know me!

Alex Carvalho
Language Teacher, Private Tutor, Editor

Hi all, Alex here - thank you for visiting my site! Here's a little information about me and what I do.


I'm originally from the UK and studied Modern Standard Arabic and Middle Eastern History at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. I've loved languages and linguistics since I was a child, but I rediscovered this love at university when I took Arabic. Arabic opened up a world of grammatical intricacy, cultural diversity, and linguistic curiosity that ultimately led to me changing my major to Middle Eastern History and the rest is, well, history.


Since graduating, I've continued my studies in Amman, Jordan, focusing on Jordanian Colloquial Arabic, alongside developing my skills as a teacher and editor. Whilst studying at St Andrews, I also gained a Level 5 TEFL Diploma. In addition to this, I have experience teaching English, initially as a volunteer working with refugees, and more recently teaching both independently, and in a language centre. Due to demand, I have also begun providing freelance services in editing and tutoring. I am passionate about making education accessible to everyone in a fun and engaging way.

Woman wearing a dress standing in the desert with arms open, smiling at the sky. Picture 1 of Alex Carvalho to go with the 'get to know me' section.
Woman wearing a headscarf and light shirt with dark trousers leaning against a tree and smiling at the camera. Picture 2 of Alex Carvalho to go with the 'get to know me' section.

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